Sunday, June 16, 2013

Which Next Gen. Console is for you?

I have been doing extensive research on Sony and Microsoft's new consoles,the Xbox One and Playstation 4, learning many new things about each console and manufacturer.

While both consoles have awesome new features neither console has a feature that is so kickass that it completely obliterates the other. With that being said I'll start my comparison with price.

Value/Price:Winner is... Playstation 4

The Playstation 4 is $399 compared to the Xbox One's $499 making the PS4 the better alternative for budget minded gamers, even with the Playstation Camera,($59.99) the PS4 is still cheaper. The PS4 also comes with a headset.

Games: Winner is... Xbox One

Playstation 4 has a decent line up of video games DC Universe looks pretty amazing as well being an console MMO, Planetside 2 which is a pretty decent shooter. But the games don't look much different than what we have out there already. While Microsoft showcased fewer games, the games they showed we're much more memorable. Titanfall looks to be an amazing shooter and if you are old school, than Killer Instinct is the icing on the cake!

Specs: Winner is... PS4, but only by a slim margin

Playstation 4's processor is clocked to 2.0 Ghz whereas the the Xbox One is clocked to 1.6 meaning the if the Playstation 4's architecture isn't built right, we could have a overheating problem... Red Ring anyone? Ps4 also has 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM whereas the Xbox One uses 8 GB of GDDR 3 RAM. Technically making the Playstation 4's memory bandwidth almost twice as fast as the Xbox One's, however Microsoft has been bragging about their Cloud service. We have yet to see how powerful xbox's cloud service truly is however I will say that Xbox 360 used 15,000 servers, so you can imagine how powerful xbox live will be now with 300,000 servers.

Multiplayer: Xbox One

We all know Xbox Live is the premier multiplayer experience and as I said earlier 300,000 servers... I don't think Playstation 4 can compete with that. However with all the backlash for the restrictions Microsoft is putting on gamers, more players will be on the Playstation network than ever before.

Overall winner: Playstation 4

Console wise, I believe these consoles are pretty similar but over the past few months Microsoft has proven time and time again that they honestly don't care about the consumer who buys their products. Sony is taking complete advantage of this and is dominating the preorder race. Once Microsoft stops being so cocky they may win back some loyal customers.

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